Here are some Boggle boards you can practice on. The timer (3 minutes) is already running, so when you are ready, refresh the page to start a new puzzle.
BIG BOGGLE (5 x 5 square; 3-letter words not allowed)
T | I | E | H | R |
L | G | A | R | N |
M | O | S | O | U |
O | T | R | T | G |
T | N | A | D | C |
REGULAR BOGGLE (4 x 4 square; 3-letter words allowed)
F | I | M | S |
N | L | K | V |
N | O | V | J |
L | A | E | I |
(if you have Javascript enabled on your computer)
--Words are formed from adjoining letters. Letters must join in the proper sequence to spell a word. They may join horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, to the left, right, or up-and-down. No letter cube, however, may be used more than once within a single word.
--TYPES OF WORDS ALLOWED: The only words allowed are those that can be found in a standard English dictionary. You may look for any type of word--noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. Plural nouns are acceptable, as are all verb tenses. Words within words are also allowed; e.g., if you can get 'master' then you can also get 'mast' and 'aster'.
--TYPES OF WORDS NOT ALLOWED: Proper nouns, abbreviations, contractions, hyphenated words and foreign words that are not in the English dictionary.
--Players only receive points for unique words, ie, words that no other player found.
--Scoring is as follows:
3 or 4 letter word = 1 point
5 letter word = 2 points
6 letter word = 3 points
7 letter word = 5 points
8 or more letter word = 11 points