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Fair Trial

Richard and Pat had done a lot of damage when they got into a bar fight, and were headed to court to see who would be responsible for the damages. The day before the trial, when Richard saw who the judge was assigned to the case, he called the courthouse and complained that he would not be getting a fair trial, since it turned out that the judge was Pat's father. The court clerk showed the docket to the judge, whereupon he replied, "I suppose if Richard feels he would not get a fair trial, it is only fair if I excuse myself from judging this case."
"Good," the court clerk responded, "We wouldn't want anybody saying that the judge was showing favoritism toward his own son."
"Oh no," the judge responded, "Pat is not my son."
Why would Richard claim that the judge was Pat's father, and why would the judge excuse himself from the case?


Pat was the judge's daughter.